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3124 Hope Valley Rd
Durham, NC, 27707
United States


Tree Cookie Flooring and Paving

Jesse Turner

Tree Cookies can be used for just about anything you can imagine, including flooring! This flooring is made from the same durable and rot resistant locust as all of our products. Install in a similar manner to any modular paving material, using gravel and stone dust or sand as a base material. Our price is calculated per square foot. Simply measure the area you want to install tree cookie flooring on and order the quantity needed. For instance, for 50 square feet of flooring I would order 50 units of tree cookie flooring. Installation materials such as gravel or stone dust is not included with this product.

$7.50 per square foot


Balance Log

Jesse Turner

The balance log has a variety of uses. It can be a scale, a see-saw, a bench, a table, or a balance log (as the name suggests...). Balance logs are 6' long and 3" thick. Each balance log comes with three "legs". One of the legs has a notch cut into it and is intended to be placed in the middle of the log as a fulcrum.

$160.00 Each

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Simple Log

Jesse Turner

A simple log (pictured to the left of the girl in the photo) is 6' long and 12" to 18" diameter. Logs will have one flat edge to stabilize it when laid on the ground. These are intended for seating, edging, and balancing. Simple logs may have some bark remaining on them, but that will fall off or be removed by kids playing with it

$125.00 Each


Set of Branch Blocks

Jesse Turner

A set of branch blocks includes 75 pieces. Sizes range from 1" diameter to 3" diameter and lengths range from 2" to 6". Branch blocks are brushed with a wire brush to remove any rough burs or bark on the outer surfaces.

$225.00 Per Set

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Stump Seats

Jesse Turner

Stump seats are 12" tall with sanded tops, edges, and sides. These are intended to be rolled around and manipulated by children, and may not be stable enough for standing on.

$45.00 each


XL Tree Cookies

Jesse Turner

XL Tree Cookies are really big and one of the few products we sell that is not made from locust wood. These are made from white oak wood, which will not last quite as long as locust in outdoor conditions. XL Tree Cookies are great for building areas outside, to be used as flat surfaces for building with branch blocks. They are also wonderful in classroom elements, allowing kids to see how trees grow and count the growth rings.

$75.00 each


Set of Large Tree Cookies

Jesse Turner

A set of large tree cookies includes 25 pieces. Each tree cookie will be 6" diameter to 12" diameter and 2.5" thick. Large tree cookies have a slightly rough texture.

$150.00 Per Set

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Set of Assorted Tree Cookies

Jesse Turner

A set of standard tree cookies includes 50 pieces. Tree cookies will vary in size from 3" diameter to 5" diameter and all pieces will be 2" thick. Standard tree cookies have a slightly rough texture.

$150.00 Per Set
